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{{DISPLAYTITLE:''The Red Spectre Constitution''}}{{Infobox library|title=''The Red Spectre Constitution''|written by=[[The Red Spectre]]|published=August 15, 2024|source=[ Link]|audio=[ Link]}}
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<div style="font-size:105%; font-family:Garamond; text-align:center">''Adopted at the Second Red Spectre Constitutional Convention on August 9th, 2024''</div>
<div style="font-size:105%; font-family:Garamond; text-align:center">''Adopted at the Second Red Spectre Constitutional Convention on August 9th, 2024''</div>

Latest revision as of 22:46, 8 September 2024

The Red Spectre Constitution
Written by The Red Spectre
First published August 15, 2024
Source Link
Audio version Link

The Red Spectre Constitution

Adopted at the Second Red Spectre Constitutional Convention on August 9th, 2024

Ideological Principles

The Red Spectre is a revolutionary communist organization which is founded on and adheres to the principles of Anti-Revisionist Marxism–Leninism. We are dedicated to the achievement of world revolution, and uphold the theories of the vanguard-cadre party and democratic centralism as core principles in every revolutionary party. We also uphold Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin as the classics of Marxism–Leninism, as well as other thinkers who have contributed significantly to the development of Marxism such as Georgi Dimitrov, Andrei Zhdanov, Nadezhda Krupskaya, and Rosa Luxembourg.

Furthermore, the Red Spectre is against racism, ableism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia (transmedicalism included), chauvinism, religious hatred, and all other forms of bigotry that are reproduced and exacerbated by class society. Therefore it follows that we are opposed to class reductionism, a revisionist theory which rather than analysing how these different forms of oppression are reproduced and interact with class, chooses to side with the national bully, the bigot, and the chauvinist over the various different stratum of oppressed proletariat. In doing so, class reductionism disregards the individual parts of the class struggle, under the guise of focusing 'exclusively' on the latter — something that is strictly impossible without all of its encompassing parts.

We oppose revisionism and opportunism in all of its manifestations, present and historical. We understand that the transition of the Soviet government from a worker's democracy to a bourgeois dictatorship culminating in the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1956, Khrushchev's "Secret Speech" and the subsequent overt "De-Stalinization"; was a major setback for the international communist and workers' movement.

We see all who uphold the principles of Marxism–Leninism both in word and deed; who are willing to work alongside us to attain the global emancipation of the proletariat, as comrades.

Organizational Principles

1) Adherance to the below stated Organizational Principles is mandatory for all members of the Red Spectre, and lack of adherence to these principles is subject to immediate expulsion from the organization.

1.1) The Red Spectre is an organization of equals. Our organizational form should represent our organizational needs. For this reason, "higher organs" within the organization must correspond to organizational necessity, and should be regarded not as positions of status but rather as positions of greater responsibility.

1.2) The Red Spectre as a proletarian organization that exists to serve the interests of the working class, bases all of its conduct on the interests of this class alone, the exclusive class it represents.

1.3) The Red Spectre functions according to the principles of democratic centralism. Democracy and centralism are two sides of the same coin. Democracy cannot be said to be truely upheld if its resolutions are not put into practice, and centralism holds no legitimacy unless it serves the aims of democracy.

1.4) The Red Spectre upholds the vanguard theory, and wishes to use it as a practical and theoretical basis to form and support new anti-revisionist Marxist–Leninist parties around the globe.

Red Spectre Cadre

1) A cadre is someone who agrees with the principles of the Red Spectre, regularly participates in the organization, accepts its line and its programme, and follows its democratic resolutions.

2) Red Spectre Cadre may be referred to as "Members", "Cadre", or "Comrades".

3) All Red Spectre Cadre have a right to speak to any other organ or cell of the of the Red Spectre uncensored about organizational, principal, and ideological, issues.

4) All Red Spectre Cadre have an equal and guaranteed right to participate in discussions, vote, and express their opinions.

5) New Red Spectre Cadre may be admitted into the organization by a team of at least 3 interviewers whom have been delegated this task by the rest of the organization for the specific interview in question.

6) Red Spectre Cadre are considered to represent the organization generally and may speak on behalf of the organization where warranted.


1) Members must follow the Red Spectre Code of Conduct

2) In situations which entail criticism or conflict resolution, cadres of the Red Spectre are expected to not only be open and blunt with their opinion and critiques, but to also approach disagreements fraternally.

3) Internal contentions must be resolved cordially, via discussion, as opposed to needlessly using extreme measures. Expulsion should be the last resort.

4) In order for a member to be expelled a 51% majority vote for their expulsion must pass.

The Delegation Committee

1) Members of the Delegation Committee will be elected via a ranked choice voting system. The top-voted candidates will be selected until all vacancies are filled. In the event of a Delegate resigning or being removed from their post, a special election will be held for that position, and whomever is elected will hold that post for the remainder of that Committee's term. All Red Spectre Members have the freedom to and are encouraged to participate in these elections.

2) The Delegation Committee will serve a 6 month term before a re-election is held.

3) If 20% of the membership of the Red Spectre petition to remove a member of the Delegation Committee, that member shall have their position in the Committee placed on hold, until a vote is held for them to remain in or be removed from the Delegation Committee. This vote cannot be delayed for more than a week after this petition is made. A simple majority is required for this vote to pass.


1) Keeping track of the schedules and availability of Red Spectre Members.

2) Giving advice on organizational activities to individual members, alongside consultation for the organization's needs regarding R.S. projects.

3) Keeping track of who is working on what projects, alongside the pace and stages of the work.

4) Being proactive in asking for progress reports on the projects of other members.

5) Making sure all active members of the Red Spectre are contributing to the Red Spectre.

6) Help co-ordinate members who are doing similar or related work.

7) Planning Red Spectre meetings.

8) Updating the "Red Spectre Bulletin", where any relevant information is kept, specifically information relating to meetings (background needed + results), alongside any other information that has high relevancy (such as, for example, a polemic written against us), and a todo- list which includes priorities, and R.S reports.

9) Archiving and maintaining Red Spectre reports and their necessary distribution, for later referral.

10) Take note of problems occurring within our organization, to present in the form of reports and in meetings, so as to resolve them democratically with the entire group. Make Reports on the general status of the organization.


1) The position of Delegate should not be waved around as a title to denote superiority or rank over other members or even non-members. To do so, should as a bare minimum, be grounds for expulsion from the Delegation Committee, and possibly the Red Spectre in severe cases. In this situation there should be discussion and voting of members to determine the level for disciplinary action which is necessary on a case by case basis. There is no such thing as a "warning" for a violation of this type.

2) Delegates should not sign public documents as a Delegate with their name (R.S. alias). When signing public documents as a Delegate, they should sign it anonymously as "a Delegate" (singular) or "Delegates" (plural). This rule does not apply to internal documents which are not made public.

3) Encourage standardization and organization of the Committee's data-collection; keeping necessary and related note's in one place.

4) Any knowledge that is either outdated, or poses any plausible risk, should under no pretext be catalogued and kept.

5) Delegates on the Delegation Committee should behave as examples of how other Red Spectre Members should carry themselves and conduct their duty.

Student and Educational Programs

To spread and educate others in the study of Marxism–Leninism, the Red Spectre maintains the Red Spectre Academy (R.S.A.) to facilitate these goals. Further, the Red Spectre operates Revolupedia to provide didactic information for new students of revolutionary communism.

Red Spectre Academy Students

1) Members of the Red Spectre Academy are known as "Students", "Student members" or "Comrades."

2) To be given membership in the Academy, all applicants must (1) agree to be open to Marxism–Leninism as elaborated by the four classics (see Section I), and (2) be approved for membership by the majority of the members who partook in the vetting process for the individual applicant.

3) Student members are required to partake in Academy activities on at least a semi-regular basis, in accord with their individual educational needs.

4) Red Spectre students are not considered full members of the Red Spectre, and do not possess voting rights. Students are not considered representatives of the Red Spectre, are not bounded to the expectations of full members, and not given access to internal information.

5) Red Spectre students may become full members of the Red Spectre should they be approved by the majority of Red Spectre members.


1) Revolupedia adheres to the ideological principles of the Red Spectre, and all content must reflect these principles.

2) Only members of the Red Spectre may hold an administrative role. Further, editors must be at least members of the Academy to hold a moderator role. Non-member/student individuals may create accounts as editors, but only with the approval of an administrator.


Heather Mason, Saul Wenger, Phillip Dimitrovich Kovalchik, Patrick Bastillo, Aston Harlan, Mikhail Constantine, Jakob Kalinin Symbirskov, Alice Green, Hibiscus Mustelle, Walt J. Verding

Workers of the World Unite!