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| 1. Are you an anti-revisionist Marxist–Leninist? If not, what is your particular ideology?
| | Hello! I am Arudawn! |
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| Yes I am a anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninist.
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| 2. Do you support the LGBTQ+ community? What are your thoughts on them?
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| Yes I support the LGBTQ+ community. I am a member personally and I don't understand the hate they get from some "communists".
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| 3. Where did you find out about Revolupedia? Why are you interested in becoming an editor?
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| Through RS/CLO. For a few different reasons. 1. I want to improve my writing skills. 2. I want to help the movement/website as its something I can do while I prepare to do in person organizing. 3. I am a fan of Saul Wegner's writing and selfishly want to be a part of this project to A. Read more of their writing and B. learn from them.
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| 4. What are your areas of interest? Do you have any prior experience in writing?
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| I enjoy history, political theory and economy, various sciences and overall just enjoy writing. I have not had any formal writing jobs or worked on a sites similar to Revolupedia. Most of my writing experience comes from academics and personal practice.
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| 5. What are your thoughts on Russia and China? Do you support them?
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| I see them as a growing imperialist bloc. With global tensions rising to a third imperialist world war I cannot but see them as a threat to the workers movement. China especially as they seek not only to compete on a imperialist level but to infiltrate the workers movement. I do not support either.
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