1. Are you an anti-revisionist Marxist–Leninist? If not, what is your particular ideology?
Yes I am a anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninist.
2. Do you support the LGBTQ+ community? What are your thoughts on them?
Yes I support the LGBTQ+ community. I am a member personally and I don't understand the hate they get from some "communists".
3. Where did you find out about Revolupedia? Why are you interested in becoming an editor?
Through RS/CLO. For a few different reasons. 1. I want to improve my writing skills. 2. I want to help the movement/website as its something I can do while I prepare to do in person organizing. 3. I am a fan of Saul Wegner's writing and selfishly want to be a part of this project to A. Read more of their writing and B. learn from them.
4. What are your areas of interest? Do you have any prior experience in writing?
I enjoy history, political theory and economy, various sciences and overall just enjoy writing. I have not had any formal writing jobs or worked on a sites similar to Revolupedia. Most of my writing experience comes from academics and personal practice.
5. What are your thoughts on Russia and China? Do you support them?
I see them as a growing imperialist bloc. With global tensions rising to a third imperialist world war I cannot but see them as a threat to the workers movement. China especially as they seek not only to compete on a imperialist level but to infiltrate the workers movement. I do not support either.