Library:Statement on the Dissolution of the Communist Labor Organization

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Statement on the Dissolution of the Communist Labor Organization
February 22, 2025

As of today, the Communist Labor Organization (CLO) has been disbanded, in accord with a decision made by our members. All CLO organs and media have been either liquidated or reallocated to the members who contributed to them.

In doing this, little has been lost, for the CLO never held anything of importance to begin with. After our formation in December 2024, we have still not recovered from the split with the former Red Spectre organization, and our members lack the determination to build the CLO into anything of importance to the working class. Our dissolution is therefore a reconciliation with reality; the CLO was never an organization, but a loosely-connected online community holding on to the failed legacy that was the Red Spectre organization.

To all the people who accompanied, supported, and upheld us on this years-long journey; we thank you. By no means does our dissolution mean that our members have abandoned revolutionary theory and class struggle. On the contrary, we seek to build a revolutionary communist organization. It is simply the case that this would not be accomplished under what was the Communist Labor Organization

We wish for everyone — both those who were members and not — to learn from the mistakes of the Communist Labor Organization and the limitations of exclusively-online organizing.

It is through learning from our errors that we become stronger.

Workers of the world, unite!