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A racist cartoon portraying non-Europeans as savage and animistic. Racism represents a major form of chauvinism.

Chauvinism is a reactionary tendency which upholds the superiority of one's identity, often in the form of a nationality or ethnicity, over others. Chauvinists seek to further their group's interests at the expense of others while fostering animosity and hatred towards those outside of their nation. Particular manifestations of chauvinism include racism, sexism, anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments, and nationalism.[1]

The term “chauvinism” first appeared in France. It derives from the name of an aggressive and bellicose recruit in the comedy The Tricolor Cockade, by the brothers J.-H. and C.T. Cogniard. The recruit, Nicolas Chauvin, was apparently based on a real Nicolas Chauvin, a veteran of the Napoleonic Wars who was known for his devotion to Napoleon and the national greatness which he perceived as resulting from his rule. The word “chauvinism” was eventually applied to many types of exaggerated nationalism. “Jingoism” came into use in Great Britain in the 1870s as a synonym. Terms such as “social chauvinism” and “great power chauvinism” have been devised to identify particular types of chauvinism.

Chauvinism flourishes in imperialist countries. Its most extreme manifestation is the genocidal ideology and policies of fascist states. The struggle against chauvinist ideologies and their proponents has always been one of the most important tasks confronting Marxist–Leninist parties.

See also


  1. "Chauvinism", Great Soviet Encyclopedia.