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DescriptionYouTube 2024.svg
Bahasa Melayu: Logo YouTube (2024)
Deutsch: Das im Juni 2024 eingeführte YouTube-Logo verwendet eine benutzerdefinierte Schriftart, die auf YouTube New basiert. Es weist Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Logo von 2017 auf, außer dass die Schriftart dünner und das Symbol für die Wiedergabetaste rosafarbener ist.
English: YouTube logo introduced in June 2024, using a custom font that based on Youtube New typeface. It is similar to the 2017 logo except that the font makes more thinner and play button symbol is more rose pinky. As of February 6th 2025, this logo rolled out completely and the 2017 logo is no longer in use, and can be seen in the Super Bowl LIX promotion by YouTube
This work includes material that may be protected as a trademark in some jurisdictions. If you want to use it, you have to ensure that you have the legal right to do so and that you do not infringe any trademark rights. See our general disclaimer. This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required.See Commons:Licensing.
There are many logos and trademarks in the United States that are not protected by copyright because they are below the threshold of originality required for copyright protection. There are some cases that even logos and trademarks that have been judged to be copyrighted in foreign countries have also been judged not to be copyrighted in the United States. However, some logos and trademarks are copyrighted in the United States. See COM:CRT/United States#Threshold of originality for more information.
{{Information |description = {{ms|1=Logo YouTube (2024)}} {{de|1=Das im Juni 2024 eingeführte YouTube-Logo verwendet eine benutzerdefinierte Schriftart, die auf YouTube New basiert. Es weist Ähnlichkeiten mit dem Logo von 2017 auf, außer dass die Schriftart dünner und das Symbol für die Wiedergabetaste rosafarbener ist.}} {{en|1=Youtube logo introduced in June 2024, using a custom font that based on Youtube New typeface. It bears similarities with the 2017 logo except that the font makes m...