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1. Marxism–Leninism

Revolupedia is a revolutionary communist project which adheres to the framework of anti-revisionist Marxism–Leninism as elaborated by the four leading theorists of scientific socialism — Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin. We understand Marxism–Leninism to be the leading theory and world outlook of the working class in the age of capitalism-imperialism and socialist revolution. The Marxist philosophy of dialectical and historical materialism represents the only true understanding of reality, being derived from empirical analysis of the material world, society, and its development.

2. Anti-imperialism

We strictly oppose all manifestations of imperialism and repudiate opportunist positions which uphold one imperialist camp or bloc over another. We uphold the Leninist position of revolutionary defeatism — capitalism-imperialism must be unconditionally combated and wars between rival imperialist camps must be turned into civil wars between the proletariat and bourgeoisie. Instances of imperialist powers include the United States of America, European Union, and the Russian Federation. This category also includes historical or present social-imperialist powers such as the Soviet Union after 1956 or the modern People's Republic of China.

3. Anti-revisionism

We maintain that a core aspect of building a revolutionary movement and opposing capitalism is opposing revisionism, a major manifestation of capitalist ideology which has served counter-revolutionary ends since the birth of communism itself. To that extent, we oppose all forms of revisionism, opportunism, and deviationism from working class ideology — including, but not limited to, reformism, anarchism, Trotskyism, "left" communism, Maoism, Khrushchevism, Titoism, Sakaism, anti-Stalinism, and social-chauvinism.

These tendencies have shown themselves to be fundamentally hostile to the working class and its movement, seeking to destroy its revolutionary aims and ultimately preserve the capitalist system.

4. Inclusiveness

We seek to unify all of the working class under the revolutionary movement, irrespective of nationality, language, disability (mental or physical), gender identity, etc. and oppose the discrimination of these marginalized groups as takes place under the capitalist system.

Therefore, we oppose — both from rightists and social-chauvinist "leftists" — all forms of discrimination on the basis of personal or immutable traits and characteristics, including racism, chauvinism, ableism, anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments (including homophobia and transphobia), and so forth. As an extension of this, we reject reactionary, pseudo-socialist tendencies such as National Bolshevism, patriotic socialism, and conservative socialism.

5. National liberation

We support the struggles of all oppressed indigenous and other marginalized nationalities throughout the world for liberation and self-determination against their oppressors. These include (but are not limited to) the indigenous and otherwise colonized peoples of Palestine, North and South America, and Oceania.