Reading list
A general reading-list of books and other texts for new revolutionary activists. This was developed initially for students of the Red Spectre Academy.
Unit 1: The Basics
General Socialist Introduction
- The Principles of Communism — Friedrich Engels(more information)(PDF)
- Why Socialism? — Albert Einstein
- On Authority — Friedrich Engels
- Anarchism or Socialism? — Joseph Stalin(PDF)
- The Party Before and After Taking Power — Joseph Stalin
- Critical Remarks on the National Question — Vladimir Lenin
Marxist Foundations
- Manifesto of the Communist Party — Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels(more information)
- Socialism: Utopian and Scientific — Friedrich Engels
- The German Ideology — Karl Marx(PDF)
- Dialectical and Historical Materialism - Joseph Stalin(PDF)(reading guide)
- Critique of the Gotha Program — Karl Marx
- The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism — Vladimir Lenin(PDF)
- Foundations of Leninism — Joseph Stalin(more information) (PDF)
- Collapse of the Second International — Vladimir Lenin
- Materialism and Empirio-criticism — Vladimir Lenin
Imperialism and the State
- The State and Revolution — Vladimir Lenin
- The Civil War in France — Karl Marx
- Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism — Vladimir Lenin
- Wage Labor and Capital — Karl Marx
- Value, Price and Profit — Karl Marx
- Capital, Vol I, Ch. 1 — Karl Marx
- The Tax in Kind — Vladimir Lenin
- Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR — Joseph Stalin
Political Economy
- Political Economy — Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R
- The Poverty of Philosophy — Karl Marx
- Anti-Dühring - Part II: Political Economy — Friedrich Engels
- A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy — Karl Marx
Organizing/Party Building
- What is to be Done? — Vladimir Lenin
- How a Communist Club Functions — Daniel Rubin(audio version)
- Draft and Explanation of a Program for the Social-Democratic Party — Vladimir Lenin
- The Tasks of the Russian Social-Democrats — Vladimir Lenin